9 Quotes & Sayings By Danielle Barone

Danielle Barone is an award-winning author and speaker who has written twenty-six books, including the New York Times bestseller, “The Man I Love.” She has been a columnist for over twenty years and is the founder of the "Daily Love" program. Danielle and her husband live in New York City and have four children.

A spiritual connection with someone lasts forever, even when physical...
A spiritual connection with someone lasts forever, even when physical presence fades. Danielle Barone
Trust nature and make peace with something in your life. Danielle Barone
Sleep is closing your eyes and trusting you will heal. Danielle Barone
Friends are a special kind of love because they are there for one another like no other relationship can be. Danielle Barone
Listening to silence, our intuition and music helps us to find answers. Danielle Barone
The first step to having something in your life is to see yourself having it in your mind. Danielle Barone
Parents who take care of their children will find peace. And children who take care of their parents will also find peace. Danielle Barone